Literary Cats
Rumi - 18
The absolute sweetest, most loving soul in the entire world. Rumi and I have been together through many of my life’s biggest milestones, and through it all he has been a constant source of love, love, love. He purrs 24/7 and he adores couch cuddles. Or any cuddles. All the time. He is love personified and all the other cats revere and respect him. My mom called him “the purest soul who’s ever lived,” and he will forever be my baby.
Scout - 8
My Hemingway cat with the polydactyl feet. She is smart and enormous and sweet and feisty and also shy thanks to being abused as a kitten long before I knew her. Scout and I are fiercely devoted to each other and she loves headbutts. Over the years, she has come more and more into her own, and she is now enjoying her rightful place as Queen of the house, keeping the other cats in line with her big mitten paws.
Linus - 6
Our own little Jekyll and Hyde, Linus lives with great intensity. A passionate snuggler, skilled food thief, impish prankster, and total charmer, he is bursting with energy and is too smart for his own good. He is alternately the peacekeeper/protector in the house and the antagonizer. His favorite pastime is to push everyone’s buttons, which is why he spent his first five years on this earth in constant time out. Oh, and he may love me, but he LOVES my husband.
Luna - 6
The Scottish fold/fluffy one. Beautiful Luna is, as a friend of ours once said, “sweetly dim”. She may not be the brightest of our brood, but she is my angelic, occasionally spunky floof and completely has my heart, which is why she gets to accompany us on travels and sleep on my desk as I work. She knows one trick which she taught herself— to sit up for treats. Which she does all the time. And which always works because I can never deny her anything. Find her on Instagram @lunafoldie
Kevin - 3
Oh, Kevin. The giant, swaggering Siamese former cat-about-town who adopted us and brought us his baby to raise (see Roo). He gave up his life of bars and pool halls and his bevy of feline girlfriends to live the indoor life of leisure. He does exactly what he pleases when he pleases and he judges us ALL the time, but we feel very lucky to have him. Follow his adventures on Instagram @siamesebigsexy
Zelda - 2
Also known as ZZ or The ZZ. She is willful, cross, and furious, and full of wonder and awe. She makes us laugh all the time. When we can catch her at the right moment, she will lie in our arms and make her signature cooing noises. Otherwise she is usually screaming at someone. She is the smallest of our cats, so she has a Napoleon complex, and she is always into EVERYTHING. She is, as my mom used to say, a full-time cat.
Roo - 1
Kevin’s baby. Sweet Roo is complete and utter magic (and also mischief). He loves:
1) His daddy Kevin.
2) Head rubs and chin scratches, but only after he gets to know you.
3) Running after treats, playing fetch, rolling in potted plants, chasing Luna’s fluffy tail.
4) Talking. A LOT. Especially to Kevin.